Uplifting, thrilling and filled with sincere emotion Patty Jenkins's "Wonder Woman" redeems the entire DC Universe movies while bringing a completely new focus on what a female superhero should be, passionate, determined and, in the truest meaning of the word, strong. An Amazon princess finds her life completely occupied by female warriors interrupted when a pilot crashes near the island. After rescuing him she learns that the world is lost in the midst of World War I and vows to use her ability to save the world, believing it is all caused by an ancient Greek god she must kill in order to restore peace. Gal Gadot shines in the role as princess Diana of Themyscira, a.k.a Wonder Woman, not only by delivering what might be the best performance of her career, so far, but also by fearlessly stepping into the shoes of a naive heroine who believes humanity and the world are solely black and white. Gadot doesn't bring a realistic and uplifting portrayal for females on...